Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Summer 2008

It has been a good busy Summer, too bad it is over.
Here is the joke:
Q. how do convicts communicate to each other?
A. with cell phones of course

Ten days ago we had the opportunity to get together, the few of us in Ohio, to celebrate Monica and Julie's B-Days. That was fun! here are some pictures:

Out to eat "Chinese"

We were happy, but Julie had a hard time getting back to school because of Hurricane "Irke"

Before that I had the opportunity to spend some time in Utah for "Education Week"
I visited with Rosa and Gabriel.

I met a Missionary that taught me in Italy now he is BYU Professor "Seely" who had just spent 8 months teaching in Jerusalem.

Finally here is Gabriel that has learned to make super good Pasta, yummy !!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Rosa Singing 1990

Here is a short recording of Rosa singing on Mother's Day on May 13, 1990, during Sacrament meeting. I found an old dated audio tape and load it as an MP3 file.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I got a present in the mail form Utah

Rosa and Gabriel sent me this bedspread as a "Fathers Day" present.
I really love it!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Memorial Day Pictures

2008 Memorial Day Weekend

After more that two years all the members of the Parma family had the opportunity to spend time together!
It was the Memorial Day weekend, and it was all at the same time, including some of the spouses and "Bria".
It was a glorious weekend, a memorable one, and one that came about almost by chance,at the last minute.

Friday, May 16, 2008

My B-Day, Mother's Day, More

Monica had me, mom, Cecilia and Matt's parents over to celebrate my birthday, Mother's day, and Monica & Matt fifth anniversary. I include a couple of pictures and videos, including an old one I found of Julie!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Vacation in Europe

Here are a few pictures:

this is the most holy tree I have ever seen:

Two dark chocolate Easter bunnies, Yummy!

And here am I, as I said, I do not come out very well on camera!

I had a two week vacation and I really needed it!
I visited my five dear aunts, two cousins and a few friends.
I did not hear any new joke but, besides that, everything was wonderful!
I will miss it.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Rosa and Esther Leave for Utah

Sunday at about 4:00PM Rosa and her friend Esther boldly drive to Utah.
You can read the sign on the back of the car: "UTAH or Bust!!"
Have a good trip s!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Cleveland Saturday Snowstorm

Today it was incredible, the worst snow storm of the year, probably of the decade. Just about everything was closed. The city of Parma was closed to traffic except for emergency vehicles. I took a little tour with my van, the streets were full of stranded vehicles. A lady beeped me and asked me if I could find some snow plow to let her out of her car. I barely made it back to the garage because all the drives were blocked by stranded vehicles but one.

Monday, March 3, 2008

In honor of this election:

  • When I look at most politicians I'm glad that only one can be elected.
  • Q. what do diapers and politicians have in common?
    A. They should be changed often and for the same reason
  • I look forward to the day when schools have unlimited funds to spend, and the Pentagon has to hold bake sales to buy tanks.
  • "Dad, what is a traitor in politics?". "A traitor son, is a man who leaves our party and goes over to the other one." "Well, then, what is a man who leaves his party and comes over to yours." "A convert, my boy, a convert."

Lifetime Weight Watcher Goal

I reached the lifetime Weight Watchers goal, here is my medal!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Joke 3 "Hokey Pokey" passed away

(I was going to surprise you once I had a few more jokes, and I had become more proficient with Blogging, but I see that the word got out... Thanks for your comments.)

... it is worth reflecting on the death of an important person which went almost unnoticed last week:

Larry La Praise, the man who wrote "The Hokey Pokey", died peacefully at age 93.
The most traumatic part for his family was getting him into the coffin. They put his left leg in, and then the trouble started.....

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Joke 2

Q. What most people thought when the "Battery" was first invented?

A. Well... it surely has a positive side, but there also is a negative side to it

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Joke 1

Three friends went to Heaven. St. Peter told them "Whatever you do, don't step on a duck!! Because if a duck quacks, all ducks quack and you'll be punished."

That seemed easy, but soon they found out that there were thousands of ducks everywhere, and after an hour the first guy stepped on a duck. The duck quacked and all the ducks quacked. St. Peter was furious and chained him to an ugly woman for eternity.

The second friend was more careful, but unfortunately after a couple of days, he stepped on a duck. The duck quacked and all the ducks quacked. St. Peter was furious and chained him to an even uglier woman for eternity.

The third friend was extremely cautious and learned how not to step on the ducks. After three months, St. Peter came and chained him to a very beautiful woman. He was ecstatic and asked "what did I do to deserve this?" The woman replied, "I don't know what you did, but I stepped on a duck!"

My First Post !!

Today Rosa helped me set up my own Blog !!!

I am very excited to start !!